How Much Power does 3kWh Solar System Produce

Average Household Solar Power Production.

Averages for household solar power production vary based on various factors. These can include the direction that solar panels face, and their location in Australia. Shade from trees or other building cans also affect the solar production.  And of course, the number of solar panels on your installation.

The following are actual examples from an unobstructed house with a North Facing Roof in South East Queensland, with a 3.24 kWh system, using 12 x 270 watt panels.

Average Daily Solar Power Produced.

  • September 2018: 16.73 kWhs per day.
  • October 2018: 14.35 kWhs per day.
  • November 2018: 17.2 kWhs per day.
  • December 2018: 15.52 kWhs per day.
  • January 2019: 16.61 kWhs per day.
  • February 2019: 16.89 kWhs per day.
  • March 2019: 14.29 kWhs per day.
  • April 2019: 15.67 kWhs per day.
  • May 2019: 13.9 kWhs per day.
  • June 2019: 12.2 kWhs per day.
  • July 2019: 14.42 kWhs per day.
  • August 2019: 16.13 kWhs per day.
  • September 2019: 18.47 kWhs per day.
  • October 2019: 17.29 kWhs per day.
  • November 2019: 17.43 kWhs per day.

Solar Power for the full year ending November 2019.

  • The above system averaged 15.7 kWh of power production per day.
  • 5.3 kWh were being used daily, with 10.4 kWh being sold to the Energy Provider.

Annual figures show:

  • 3,811 kWh were sold back to the Energy Provider during the year, at $0.11 each. A total of $419 for the year.
  • 1,928 kWh of solar were used in the house, saving $401 that would have otherwise been paid to the Energy Provider for that 1,928 kWh, at 20.8 cents per kWh. (current cost with Alinta Energy).
  • Total benefit for the 12 months was therefore: $820. ($419 + $401)
  • The system cost $2,290 in August 2018, and therefore the capital cost should be repaid in about 33.7 months.
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