Due to coronavirus (COVID-19) the newly arrived resident’s waiting period waiver has been extended until 31 December 2020 for:
- JobSeeker Payment
- Youth Allowance
- Austudy
- Parenting Payment
- Farm Household Allowance
- Special Benefit.
In April 2020, the ‘Newly Arrived Residents Waiting Period‘ was TEMPORARILY suspended on the 27th April 2020, and newly arrived residents have been able to claim JobSeeker allowances and Benefits, such as help in obtaining Employment.
These changes were planned to revert back to normal on the 27th September 2020.
In July 2020, this Newly Arrived Residents Waiting Period waiver has been extended to continue until 31 December 2020, instead of 27th September 2020. This means that if you haven’t served the newly arrived resident’s waiting period by that time, or you don’t have an exemption, your entitlements will end on 31 December 2020.
The total payments are being reduced in September, and the Jobseeker payment for example, with the new coronavirus supplement being reduced from 25 September 2020 will become:
Single Person, No Children
$ 565.70 Jobseeker Payment.
$ 250.00 Coronavirus Supplement (payable until to 31 December 2020).
$ 815.70 Total per fortnight.
Member of a Couple
$ 510.80 Jobseeker Payment.
$ 250.00 Coronavirus Supplement (payable until to 31 December 2020).
$ 760.80 Total per fortnight.