Newspoll: Gay marriage to be decided by politicians NOT a Plebiscite.

Gay marriage to be decided by politicians ??says Newspoll.

Headlines from the Australian 28 Sep 2016

More people now support a vote by politicians to decide on same-sex marriage rather than a plebiscite, Newspoll says.

A special Newspoll has revealed more Australians now support a vote by politicians in parliament to decide whether to allow same-sex marriage than the Coalition’s election promise to hold a national plebiscite.

The result of this poll of 1,662 people, taken exclusively for The Australian, reveals 48 per cent favour a vote in the parliament while only 39 per cent back the plebiscite, with a further 13 per cent undecided.

The Actual Newspoll Figures:.

  • 798 people voted for parliament to make the decision and not the Australian Public
  • 864 were undecided or wanted a plebiscite.
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