Melbourne 2011 Census Data

Greater Melbourne 2011 Census.

Population of Greater Melbourne in 2011.

3,999,982 People
1,966,503 Male
2,033,479 Female

36 years is the Median age

There were 1,055,604 Families
There were 1,430,098 occupied private dwellings

Ancestry of Population – Top 5.

21.1 % English
20.7 % Australian
6.9 % Irish
5.7 % Scottish… Read the rest

Brisbane 2011 Census Data

Greater Brisbane 2011 Census.

Population of Greater Brisbane in 2011.

2,065,996 People
1,019,555 Male
1,046,441 Female

35 years is the Median age

There were 548,497 Families
There were 732,139 occupied private dwellings

Ancestry of Population – Top 5.

27.3 % English
25.7 % Australian
8.6 % Irish
7.2 % Scottish… Read the rest

Australian 2011 Census data

Australian 2011 Census.

The Australian 2011 census was held on the 9th August 2011. The next census will be in August 2016.

Population in Australia in 2011:.

The 2011 Census counted 21,727,158 people in Australia. Australia’s resident count was 21,507,719, an 8.3 per cent increase from 19,855,287 in 2006.

There … Read the rest

Western Australia 2011 Census Data

Western Australia 2011 Census.

Population of Western Australia in 2011.

2,239,170 People
1,126,178 Male
1,112,992 Female

36 years is the Median age

There were 585,310 Families
There were 793,471 occupied private dwellings

Ancestry of Population – Top 5.

29.0 % English
24.8 % Australian
6.4 % Irish
6.4 % Scottish… Read the rest