The Australian Citizenship Interview

What is the Australian Citizenship Interview?

The wording in the email providing the date for the Citizenship Test states the following:

Your citizenship appointment will be in two parts: a citizenship interview and a citizenship test. At the citizenship interview, you will be interviewed regarding your identity, your identity documents and your eligibility to sit the citizenship test. If you meet the interview requirements, you will then be permitted to sit the citizenship test.

This effectively shows that the interview is just a chance to prove your identity by showing your identity documents in person.

Once they know that the person arriving is the person applying, they will then allow that person to sit the test.

It sounds pretty similar to when I did my Citizenship, some 10 years ago, but I didn’t class it as an interview at the time.

My definition of an interview is something more than just proving I am the person I say I am.

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What is the Australian Citizenship Test?

That is another question, and with a new test having come onto effect in November 2020, those who have not revised the new possible questions should do so, before being tested.

The updated Australian citizenship test puts Australian values at the heart of the citizenship process and aims to ensure people who take up Australian citizenship understand and are committed to the values that unite us.

The revised test includes updates to current questions​ and new questions on Australian values. There is also a new requirement that you must answer all of the Australian values questions correctly to pass the test.

Prepare for the Test:

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