Every year the Australian government calculate how many visas will be allocated for the following 12 months. This information is normally released in about May, with the commencement of the year being 1st July.
The 2010/2011 Australian Visa Allocations are:
Total Migration Allocation = 168,700 places
Allocated as:
- 113,850 skilled places
- 54,550 family places
- 300 places for special eligibility
Total Humanitarian Program Allocation= 13,750 places
Allocated as:
- 7,750 of these going to the special humanitarian program
- 6,000 to the refugee component
The 2009/2010 Australian Visa Allocations are:
Total Migration Allocation = 168,700 places
Allocated as:
- 108,100 skilled places
- 60,300 family places
- 300 places for special eligibility
Total Humanitarian Program Allocation= 13,750 places
Allocated as:
- 7,750 of these going to the special humanitarian program
- 6,000 to the refugee component
- www.aph.gov.au/library/pubs/RP/BudgetReview2009-10/Immigration_Migration.htm
- www.minister.immi.gov.au/media/media-releases/2009/ce03-budget-09.htm
The 2008/09 Australian Visa Allocations, are:
Total Migration Allocation = 171,320 places
Allocated as:
- 114,780 skilled places
- 56,370 family places
- 180 places for special eligibility
Total Humanitarian Program Allocation= 13,500 places
Allocated as:
- xx of these going to the special humanitarian program
- xx to the refugee component
13,507 Humanitarian program Visas were actually allocated by the end of the year.
The 2007/08 Australian Visa Allocations
Total Humanitarian Program Allocation= 13,014 places
Allocated as:
- 7,882 of these going to the special humanitarian program
- 5,132 to the refugee component
During 2007 ??08, 13,014 Humanitarian visas were granted as follows:
- 5,132 Refugee (subclass 200) visas
- 5,026 Global Special Humanitarian Program (subclass 202) visas
- 1,704 Permanent Protection (subclass 866) visas
- 819 Woman at Risk (subclass 204) visas
- 196 Temporary Protection (subclass 785) visas
- 84 Temporary (Humanitarian Concern) (subclass 786) visa
- 42 In-country Special Humanitarian (subclass 201) visas
- 6 Secondary Movement Relocation (Temporary) (subclass 451) visas
- 5 Emergency Rescue (subclass 203) visas
- www.immi.gov.au/about/reports/annual/2007-08/html/outcome1/output1-2-1.htm
- www.immi.gov.au/media/fact-sheets/60refugee.htm#e
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