2010 Australian Federal Election Result

2010 Australian Federal Election Result.

The Australian 2010 Federal Election was held on 21st August 2010, just 2 years and 9 months after the last Federal election.

The population of Australia at the time of this election is estimated to be: 22,467,101

The number of Australians enrolled to vote in this election is: 13,869,021. This has increased to 14,088,260 electors, following a few changes to rules.

About 1.6 million of those had voted during the week before, using the “early vote provisions”.

Provision is made for pre-poll (an early vote cast in person), postal and absent voting for electors who are unable to vote at their local polling place on election day. http://www.aec.gov.au/FAQs/Elections.htm

Anyone who submitted a correctly completed enrolment form before 8:00pm on Monday 26th July 2010, will be entitled to vote at the 21st August 2010 federal election.

Voting is compulsory in Australia, and those without a valid reason to not vote would have received a fine for not voting.

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Final Results


  • 5,370,295 Liberal/National Coalition
  • 4,711,363 Australian Labor Party
  • 1,458,998 The Greens


  • 6,216,445 Australian Labor Party win by 30,527 votes. (50.12%)
  • 6,185,918 Liberal/National Coalition. (49.88%)

Seats By Party 2010 Federal Election.

  • 77 Seats Liberal/National Coalition (51.33%)
  • 73 Seats Australian Labor Party (48.67%)


The Players

The House of Representatives:

  • Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party
  • Australia First Party (NSW) Incorporated
  • Australian Democrats
  • Australian Greens
  • Australian Labor Party (ALP)
  • Australian Sex Party
  • Building Australia Party
  • Carers Alliance
  • Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)
  • Citizens Electoral Council of Australia
  • Communist Alliance
  • Country Labor Party
  • Country Liberals (Northern Territory)
  • Democratic Labor Party (DLP) of Australia
  • Family First Party
  • Liberal Democratic Party
  • Liberal National Party of Queensland
  • Liberal Party of Australia
  • National Party of Australia
  • National Party of Australia – N.S.W.
  • National Party of Australia (S.A.) Inc.
  • Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting)
  • One Nation
  • Secular Party of Australia
  • Senator On-Line
  • Shooters and Fishers Party
  • Socialist Alliance
  • Socialist Equality Party
  • The Australian Greens – Victoria
  • The Climate Sceptics
  • The Greens (WA) Inc

Full House of Representatives Results:

Votes Party
4,711,363 Australian Labor Party
5,370,295 Liberal and National Coalition
1,458,998 The Greens
279,330 Family First
83,009 CDP Christian Party
22,376 Democrats
38,335 Country Liberals
27,184 One Nation
8,017 Citizens Electoral Council
24,262 Liberal Democrats (LDP)
9,348 Socialist Alliance
5,212 DLP – Democratic Labor Party
11,160 Socialist Equality Party
3,670 Australia First Party (NSW) Incorporated
11,263 Australian Sex Party
1,497 Building Australia Party
1,458 Carers Alliance
656 Communist Alliance
2,835 Non-Custodial Parents Party
12,752 Secular Party of Australia
4,339 The Climate Sceptics
312,496 Independent
2,508 Non Affiliated

Out of the total 13,131,667 votes, only 12,402,363 were classed as valid votes, with 729,304 being classed as “Informal” due either to errors on the voting card, or deliberate actions by the voter to invalidate their vote.

Many people who do not want to vote, will turn up at the voting booth and make marks on the card in such a way that their vote is not included, but so that they are not fined for not voting.

14,086,869 Australians were enrolled to vote in this election, so it appears that 955,202 did not turn up to vote for various reasons. Many of these will be genuine reasons, on holiday, sick, etc, but there will be a number who have no valid reason, and will receive a fine for not voting.


House of Representatives

93.22% of the 14,086,869 enrolled to vote, are recorded as voted.

After the Two party Preferences were calculated, the Australian Labor Party won by 30,527 votes.

The vote breakdown was:

  • 50.12% ?? 6,216,445 Australian Labor Party
  • 49.88% ?? 6,185,918 Liberal/National Coalition

Number of Seats won by each Party

  • 72 ?? Australian Labor Party
  • 44 ?? Liberal
  • 21 ?? Liberal National Party of Queensland
  • 7 ?? The Nationals
  • 4 ?? Independent
  • 1 ?? The Greens
  • 1 ?? Country Liberals

The Final coalition of parties/members was:

ALP = 77

  • 72 ?? Australian Labor Party
  • 4 ?? Independent
  • 1 ?? The Greens

Liberal = 73

  • 44 ?? Liberal
  • 21 ?? Liberal National Party of Queensland
  • 7 ?? The Nationals
  • 1 ?? Country Liberals

Source of Results

The 33 Political parties that have candidates for the Senate are:

  • Australia First Party
  • Australian Democrats
  • Australian Fishing and Lifestyle Party
  • Australian Greens
  • Australian Labor Party
  • Australian Labor Party (Northern Territory) Branch
  • Australian Sex Party
  • Building Australia
  • Carers Alliance
  • Christian Democratic Party
  • Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group)
  • Citizens Electoral Council
  • Citizens Electoral Council of Australia
  • Communist
  • Country Liberals (NT)
  • D.L.P. – Democratic Labor Party
  • Democratic Labor Party (DLP) of Australia
  • Family First
  • Independent
  • Labor
  • Liberal
  • Liberal Democrats (LDP)
  • Liberal National Party of Queensland
  • Non-Custodial Parents Party (Equal Parenting)
  • One Nation
  • Secular Party of Australia
  • Senator On-Line
  • Shooters and Fishers
  • Socialist Alliance
  • Socialist Equality Party
  • The Climate Sceptics
  • The Greens
  • The Nationals
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