ALP Medicare Lie Election 2016

Bill Shorten concedes Liberal Government did not consider privatising Medicare.

On the 24 Jun 2016. after a week of arguing to the contrary, the Federal Opposition leader Bill Shorten has conceded that the Government is not considering the privatisation of Medicare.

Shorten confirms Labor sent ‘Mediscare’ text.

On July 6, 2016 Opposition Leader Bill Shorten told reporters the Medicare text idea came from Labor’s headquarters in Brisbane.
Mr Shorten was asked directly on Tuesday if the “Mediscare” campaign came out of the Queensland branch of the Labor Party.
“Yes, they’ve taken responsibility for it,” Mr Shorten said.

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) can confirm it received a referral on Saturday 2 July 2016 in relation to the receipt of text messages allegedly sent from Medicare, but were actually sent from Labor’s Queensland headquarters in Brisbane.

In an an extraordinary act of dishonesty, Labor’s text message, showing up in phones as coming from Medicare, said that “Turnbull’s plans to privatise Medicare will take us down the road of no return“.
The Queensland branch of the Labor Party has defended the infamous election day text message about Medicare, even though Bill Shorten had agreed that the Liberal Government under Turnbull did not consider privatising Medicare.

Not only did this hurt the Liberal Party vote count, but also had many private individuals worried unnecessarily about their future Health care.
Some voters might also feel aggrieved about being persuaded to vote one way, by a lie.

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