Australian Visitor Visa Refusal rates: China 2018-19

Visitor Visa subclass 600 Refusal rates from China in 2018-19.

During the 2018-19 financial year there were 1,024,540 subclass 600 visitor visa applications made by Chinese applicants. 86,404 of these were refused. A refusal rate of 8.43%.

Applications from some Chinese Provinces had much higher refusal rates, with the highest being 24.75% refusal from those in the Jilin Sheng province.

Subclass 600 Chinese Applications and Refusals.

1,024,540 Applications
938,136 Grants
86,404 Refusals
8.43% Refusal rate

Highest Refusal Rate by Chinese Province.

The five Chinese provinces with the highest Australian Visitor Visa refusal rates in 2018-19 were:

  • 24.75% Jilin Sheng
  • 19.23% Heilongjiang Sheng
  • 16.17% Liaoning Sheng
  • 15.16% Hebei Sheng
  • 14.14% Fujian Sheng

The total figures above, for the Peoples Republic of China, exclude the Hong Kong and Macau Special Administrative Regions.

Source: Department of Home Affairs, 2019 (RFI 23277.02 and 23277.02) FA-19/06/00324
Requested: 06 June 2019
Provided: 29 August 2019

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