Origin v Alinta Electric Prices November 2018

Comparison for Switching from Origin to Alinta for Electricity.

I switched my Electricity supplier recently, from Origin to Alinta, with the promise of a 28% discount.  I hoped for the best, was I right to switch?

My last Origin Bill, for a period of 91 days averaged at a cost of $28.89 per week. I used 10.62 kWh per day of Electricity.

The average usage for a 2 person household is shown as 12 kWh per day.  We use slightly under average.

I just received my first full Alinta Energy Bill, after the changeover, and I calculated the cost based on exactly the same power consumption, as the last Origin bill.

Using the calculation of 10.62 kWh per day of Electricity, my Alinta bill would average at a cost of $22.62 per week.

A saving of $6.27 per week, or $81.51 for the full quarter period.

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Was the switch from Origin to Alinta worth it?

The answer is actually both Yes and No.

  • Yes: Because it saved me money, probably about $300+ per year.
  • No: Because Origin, once they heard I was switching, offered me exactly the same deal, if I stayed with them.

I didn’t stay, for two reasons:

  1. I was curious to know how accurate the Alinta claims were.
  2. I was not happy that Origin didn’t offer me the discount earlier. They took advantage of me being a loyal regular customer.


The 28% discount ONLY applies if you pay your bill on time.

If you do not pay on time, then the saving is much smaller. Only about $0.50 per week in my case, or about $25 per year.

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