Matt Canavan, QLD Senator resigns over Dual Citizenship

Another Australian Senator has Resigned due to Dual Citizenship.

Matt Canavan, the Cabinet Resources Minister, and Liberal Party Senator for Qld, has quit his Cabinet position after being told that he is an Italian citizen.
Senator Canavan was elected in 2013.
His mother registered him as an Italian citizen in 2006, even though he was not born in Italy (Born in Queensland in 1980) and had never even visited Italy. He stated that he did not sign the Italian citizenship papers himself, that he had no knowledge that he had become an Italian citizen, and he had not requested to become an Italian citizen.

Senator Canavan has chosen not to quit Parliament entirely as the legal advice he has been given, says that he has not breached section 44 of the Australian constitution.

See also: Australian Senators Resign due to Dual Citizenship


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