Fake information about bonus Centrelink payments

Scams about Centrelink Payments.

Many unofficial websites and social media accounts are sharing false information about bonus Centrelink payments offering varying amounts of money, including $750, $1,800 and $4,100.
Centrelink state “These payments don’t exist.”

These often write about new ‘one off payment’, ‘Centrelink cash relief payment’ or ‘bonus payment’ … Read the rest

Australian Aged Pension from September 2024

The Australian Aged Pension from September 2024.

From 20 September 2024, the Australian Age Pension is to rise by $28.10 per fortnight, for the single person rate. This is from $1,116.30 up to $1,144.40 per fortnightly payment.

The rate for each member of a couple is  to rise by $21.20 … Read the rest

Australian Aged Pension from September 2023

From 20 September 2023, the Australian Age Pension will rise by $32.70 per fortnight, for the single person rate.

That results in an annual increase of 6.82% from September 2022.

The single rate of the Age Pension, with supplements, will increase by $32.70 per fortnight – from $1,064 to $1,096.70… Read the rest

Australian Aged Pension from September 2022

From 20 September 2022, the Australian Age Pension will rise by $38.90 per fortnight, for the single person rate.

That results in an annual increase of 6.1% from September 2021.

The inflation rate to June 2022 according to the ABS was 6.1%.

The Australian Aged Pension from September 2022.

The … Read the rest

Australian Aged Pension from March 2022

From 20 March 2022, the Australian Age Pension will rise by $20.10 per fortnight, for the single person rate. That is a 3.66% increase from March 2021.

The Australian Aged Pension from March 2022.

The Australian Aged Pension is revised in March and September (normally) each year, and … Read the rest

Australian Age Pension while outside Australia

How Much is the Aged Pension when outside Australia?.

Most pensioners will receive their normal pension during short holidays outside Australia. However, anyone who is absent from Australia for a continuous period exceeding 6 weeks, will normally lose some of their pension.

How much Pension do you lose if you

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Australian Aged Pension from September 2021

The Australian Aged Pension from September 2021.

The Australian Aged Pension is revised in March and September (normally) each year, and the September 2021 new Pension Rates have been released. This pension is paid Fortnightly.

The Age Pension recipients will increase by $14.80 a fortnight for singles, and … Read the rest

Parental Leave Pay Waiting Period Eligibility.

Parental Leave Pay Newly Arrived Resident’s Waiting Period (NARWP).

Many Centrelink Government benefits will have either a 2 or 4 year newly arrived resident’s waiting period before becoming eligible to claim them.

From January 2022, many of those that are currently a TWO year newly arrived resident’s waiting period will … Read the rest

Budget 2021 – Centrelink 4 Year Wait Period.

The waiting period for many Centrelink Benefits will be increased to 4 years for new migrants who are granted a Permanent, or relevant Temporary, visa from 1st January 2022.

Some of these benefits currently have 1 or 2 year waiting periods.